It's been a while since I've posted a blog entry on here so I feel it's time to update. My life has been going quite well as of late. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with the previous posts and the Four Hour Workweek. That is on hiatus until I can get back into that realm of thought and delve into the book. My previous blog entries have felt like they're verbatim from the book and to be honest, if you want to know these things, you'd just read the book. We'll see if/when I decide to pick that back up.
Tonight, as I sit meditating on my rooftop, I felt inclined to add a blog entry about life, the universe, and everything. I've done very little meditating in the past and the last few days have had weight on my mind. Within the past few weeks, stones have been cast that have created small ripples of change that have grown into waves that have been rather difficult to deal with. I have watched good friends graduate and move away, an almost instantaneous disappearance that has left voids, both big and small in my life. These things are change and these are expected as the universe is only prone to stagnate for so long. Change is inevitable and we must accept it at face value. My neon goddess has also returned which has ben a very positive change. It's been tremendously uplifting having her wonderful aura here.
Change has always been an interesting concept for me. I've never really dreaded it, nor have I had trouble accepting it. However, I realize that there are many who share different views on it. The changes I've witnessed, specifically a close friend in my group leaving, has completely shifted our dynamic and it's been difficult to adjust accordingly. As a result, we have for the most part stayed separated, hanging out less frequently. I've been preoccupied with trips, work, and the changes in my life, but it's starting to shift to some semblance of balance for the moment.
This week has not been the easiest situation to deal with. Due to my busy nature, some things haven't gone as smoothly as I would like, but these things happen. I prayed to God and the Universe that the energies should go where they would best suit those that could use them the most.
I've never been overtly spiritual, but this evening as I sit among the sounds of mother nature, I find that the universe is speaking to us constantly. A message is constantly being reverberated to us and many of us are oblivious to it. I've recently taken an interest in the messages the universe sends to us, with the help of my neon goddess at times. Energies are constantly being sent to us, but it's up to us to harness them in the most beneficial way.
I've looked into Astrology and Divination techniques such as tarot cards and from these studies, I've realized one thing. These techniques are meant to be used as a guide. Many people use them as a means of future telling and I feel that these are inadequate uses of these techniques. Take astrology, which has allowed me to map out individuals' tendencies and various personality traits. Astrology has had a knack for mapping things in the past if you look at the planets' positions at the times of various catastrophes or important events, but to use this to map out the future really creates unnecessary worry, in my opinion. If I had the ability to tell the future, I would hardly ever use it. The future is meant to happen a certain way and it will happen regardless of our knowledge of it. Astrology should be used as a guide, a means of mapping out our tendencies, our strengths and weaknesses. Divination should also be used similarly. I've apparently shown a slight knack for divination and I understand that these are to be used to keep our lives in check and help us recognize the energies the universe sends us.
The world truly is a beautiful place and I love that I am growing slowly more in tune with it. I take comfort in he fact that I am in the right place and state of mind. Everything feels as it should be and I pray that those around me can harness the energies they are given to help improve their lives one step at a time.