Sunday, March 18, 2012


I'll be starting with the introduction portion of the book to kind of explain exactly what this book is trying to achieve. The intro goes into the author's crazy, care-free lifestyle to get the reader excited that this is a life-changing experience, which is fine, but this book shouldn't be considered that and after the crazy intro, the author makes this point. The point isn't to become a millionaire, it's to get you to the point where you realize you don't have to have a million dollars to enjoy your life. Many people get caught up in their day-to-day lives, myself included and people resign themselves to a cubicle or monotonous job saving for the day that they can start having fun in their life. It doesn't have to be this way. It's all about finding a healthy balance and remaining in control of your life so you can enjoy it now and later. This is one of my curiosities as I'm only a college student right now, but I sure as hell don't want to wind up working 9 to 5 every day to support myself and hope that one day, I will be fortunate enough to travel and do everything I've always wanted to. I want to thrive on every ounce of life I'm given.

The book is laid out in 4 main sections. These sections form together the acronym DEAL. I'll lay out what each letter stands for below:

This section essentially sets up the framework for the lifestyle that best suits you. It helps you get past the assumptions and doubts that stop many from achieving their goals.

This section goes into time-management and the author goes into how he turned 12-hour days into two-hour days for 48 hours. It also goes into productivity and getting rid of distractions and ignoring the unimportant aspects of life that can drag you down.

The section will go into creating an automated source of income via methods like outsourcing so that you can live your life without being tethered to a 9 to 5 job. I'll be curious to see how useful this section will be for me as I'm only a college student, but there is sure to be some interesting aspects to take away from it.

The section introduces the concepts of mini-retirements and escaping the office workplace and bosses. It's not so much about cheap travel as it is breaking the bonds that hold you in one place, increasing your mobility.

Again, not everything has to be taken exact, but there are many life lessons that can be pulled from this book and I'm excited to see how this will change my lifestyle for the better.

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